Dr. K. N. Singh Chairman of the Bodhisatva Charitable Trust was in USA for almost two decades and well settled there. He has zest to work for the remote areas where the quality medical facilities were not available about 15 years back. He took this challenge for his motherland and conceived a vision to provide health services and set up the first 300 bedded private super specialty hospital Mayo Medical Centre in capital of UP Lucknow with the most advanced facilities in this area catering to the needs of rural and urban population around Lucknow including adjacent areas of Bihar and Nepal. In due course the need of establishing a nursing college and Paramedical course was felt which was established in 2003-04. Presently this trust has established a medical college at Gadia Barabanki (U. P.) functional from academic year 2012-13.
Mrs. Madhulika Singh Trustee of Bodhisatva Charitable Trust is a magnetic personality. Her critical supervision has helped in setting high standards at Mayo Medical Centre Gomti Nagar in heart of the city Lucknow. She is the driving force in establishing the above academic schools.
Dr. Rahul Singh Trustee of Bodhisatva Charitable Trust is presently pursuing Masters in Orthopedics. He provides constructive criticism for the MIMS as and when necessary.
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Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh